Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Explanation of My Rating System

I'm going to be using a rather standard star system I suppose - been using it on everywhere I post now anyways.

* = Horrible. If I managed to even finish it, it was probably for research or school.
** = Pretty Bad. It might have some redeeming features, but most likely it failed rather badly at getting across what it was attempting to.
*** = Average. This book may be recommended but it has its flaws and is probably not going to be received well by someone just looking to pick up a book and go.
**** = Good. A good solid book, well worth the investment in time you'll put into it. Gets across its points in a solid and efficient manner.
***** = Excellent. The best of the best, usually with a gifted author at the helm and deserving a place in most libraries.

In addition to these I also occasionally put forth a direct recommendation of books that I consider my best of the best of those that I have read.

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